Brickell, C. (2024) Kids on the Street: Queer Kinship and Religion in San Francisco's Tenderloin, Plaster, J., Durham: Duke University Press, 2023, Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 17(3): 487-498.

Brickell, C. (2024) Underdogs: Social Deviance and Queer Theory, Love, H., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2021, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 33(2): 296-298.

Brickell, C. (2023) The People's Porn: A History of Handmade Porn in America, Sigel, L. Z., London: Reaktion, 2020, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 32(2):  239-241.

Brickell, C. (2021) Pride in Defence: The Australian Military and LGBTI Service Since 1945, Riseman, N. and Robinson, S., Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2020, History Australia, 18(4): 902-903.

Brickell, C. (2021) Young Men Navigating Contemporary Masculinities, Elliott, K., Houndmills: Palgrave, 2020, Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 4(4): 421-422.

Brickell, C. (2021) From Sodomy Laws to Same-Sex Marriage: International Perspectives Since 1789, Brady, S. and Seymour, M. (eds), London: Bloomsbury, 2019, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 30(2): 312-314.

Brickell, C. (2021) Mettray: A History of France's Most Venerated Carceral Institution, Toth, S., Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019, Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, 14(1): 163-164.

Brickell, C. (2020) The Kinsey Institute: The First Seventy Years, Allen, J.; Allinson, H., Clark-Huckstep, A, Hill, B., Sanders, S., and Zhou, L., Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2017, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 29(2): 281-283.

Brickell, C. (2020) Sociologies of New Zealand, Crothers, C., Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018, New Zealand Sociology, 35(1): 245-248.

Brickell, C. (2019) Uncovering Paris: Scandals and Nude Spectacles in the Belle Epoque, Kerley, L., Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2017, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 28(2): 307-308.

Brickell, C. (2018) I Have Loved Me a Man: The Life and Times of Mika, Mazer, S., Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2018, Landfall Review Online, 1 December. [view]

Brickell, C. (2017) Queen and Country: Same-Sex Desire in the British Armed Forces, 1939-1945, Vickers, E., Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2013, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 26(2): 344-345.

Brickell, C. (2014) Knowing Victims: Feminism, Agency and Victim Politics in Neoliberal Times, Stringer, R., Hove: Routledge, 2014, New Zealand Sociology, 29(2): 125-127.

Brickell, C. (2014) Young People and the Shaping of Public Space in Melbourne, 1870-1914, Sleight, S., Farnham: Ashgate, 2013, Social History, 39(4): 591-592.

Brickell, C. (2014) Odd Couples: A History of Gay Marriage in Scandanavia, Rydstrom, J., Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2011, Journal of the History of Sexuality, 23(2): 322-324.

Brickell, C. (2013) Men and Manliness on the Frontier: Queensland and British Columbia in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Hogg, R., Houndmills: Palgrave, 2012, Australian Journal of Politics and History, 59(3): 473-4.

Brickell, C. (2012) 'Queer Histories, Queer Places, Queer Lives'; review of Secret Histories of Queer Melbourne, Murdoch, W., Marshall, D., Willett, G. and Carr, A. (eds) Parkville: Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, 2011; Out Here: Gay and Lesbian Perspectives VI, Smaal, Y. and Willett,G. (eds) Clayton: Monash University Publishing, 2011; Queen City of the South: Gay and Lesbian Melbourne, Willett, G. and Arnold, J. (eds) Melbourne: La Trobe Journal, 2011. H-Net Reviews, 1 May: [view]

Brickell, C. (2008) The Language and Sexuality Reader, Cameron D. and Kulick, D. (eds), London: Routledge, 2006, Sexualities, 11(4): 516-518.

Brickell, C. (2004) Gay Men, Sex and HIV, Worth, H., Palmerston North: Dunmore, 2003, New Zealand Sociology, 19(2): 158-161.

Brickell, C. (2004) The Science/Fiction of Sex: Feminist Deconstruction and the Vocabularies of Heterosex, Potts, A., London: Routledge 2002, Sexualities, 7(3): 373-375.

Brickell, C. (2002) Gender: A Sociological Reader, Jackson, J. and Scott, S. (eds.) London: Routledge, 2001, New Zealand Sociology, 17(2): 350-353.

Brickell, C. (2002) The Life of Brian: Masculinities, Sexualities and Health in New Zealand, Worth, H., Paris, A., and Allen, L. (eds.) Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2002, Sociological Research Online 7(4). [available online]

Brickell, C. (2001): His Way: A Biography of Robert Muldoon, Gustafson, B. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2000, History Now, May: 7(2): 26-7.

Brickell, C. (2001) Sexuality and Democracy: Identities and Strategies in Lesbian and Gay Politics, Rahman, M. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000, Journal of Sociology, 37(1): 109-110.

Brickell, C. (2001) Gendered Speech in Social Context: Perspectives from Town and Gown, Holmes, J. (ed.) Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000, New Zealand Sociology, 16(2): 134-138.

